2022 Biomaterials Summit

9th Annual
Carinata Biomaterials summit


When: 26-28 April 2022
Where: Hilton @ University of Florida 1714 SW 34th St., Gainesville, FL 32607

Cultivating Value with Carinata: Cover, Carbon, Cash

Carinata, a nonfood oilseed brassica is a dedicated feedstock for renewable jet fuel, diesel, and other bioproducts. The Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata is dedicated to removing the constraints of regional carinata and ensure stable markets for bioproducts.

Our annual Carinata Biomaterials Summit delves into the questions and discussions surrounding the carbon economy and the role of biofuels. Our conference brings together thought leaders from industry, government, and academia to create a dynamic interdisciplinary space of thoughtful, purposeful discussion.

Join us as we continue to chart the course towards net-zero emissions & carbon neutral growth with the mighty mustard, carinata.

Getting to Gainesville:

Gainesville is served by the Gainesville Regional Airport with daily service to and from Atlanta (ATL), Charlotte (CLT), Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW), and Miami (MIA). It is also within reasonable commutable distance by road from other major airports such as Jacksonville (JAX; 69 miles), Orlando (MCO; 120 miles), Tampa (TPA; 138 miles), and Tallahassee (TLH; 150 miles).


Carinata Biomaterials Summit

IXth Carinata Biomaterials Summit-April 26-27, 2022 University of Florida, Hilton, Gainesville, FL.

All Times are Eastern. All sessions will take place in the Century Ballroom unless otherwise noted. All meals and breaks will be served in the Hilton Pre-Conference Area

April 26, 2022
MC for the Day: Dylan Rigsby
Zoom Room Monitor: Ted Stansly
Time (EST) Session Details
11:00-11:15 am Sign-in Arrive & Sign-in
11:15am-12:15pm Lunch Lunch; Meet & Greet: Hilton Pre-Function Area
12:15- 12:35pm Welcome Host: John Davis
Scott Angle UF-IFAS VP-Ag & Natural Resources
Rob Gilbert, UF-IFAS Dean of Research
12:35-12:45 pm SPARC Accomplishments & Looking Forward SPARC Executive Committee
12:45-12:55 pm Remarks from USDA-NIFA Bill Goldner Sr. Advisor (Renewable Energy, Natural Resources, Environment), USDA Office of the Chief Scientist
12:55-1:30pm Keynote Nathan Brown-Federal Aviation Administration
1:30-3:00pm Cultivating Value with Carinata Scaling Carinata within the Sustainability
Glenn Johnston, Nuseed
1:30-3:00pm Cultivating Value with Carinata Ecosystem Services in Carinata cropping

Ramdeo Seepaul, UF-IFASBuilding Value across the Carinata Supply
Puneet Dwivedi,UGA

Building Carbon with Carinata
John Field, ORNL

Enhancing Carinata Value while Meeting Protein Needs for Livestock
Stephanie Ward, NCSU

Value Building with Carinata Co-Products
Ed Coppola, ARA

3:00-3:30 pm Break Ice Cream Social (Poster Viewing & Networking)
3:30-4:50 pm Opportunities with Carinata within and outside the farm gate: A Panel Discussion Chris Tindal, CAAFI, & Dewey Lee, National Corn Grower’s Assoc.

Steve Csonka, CAAFI

Kater Hake, Cotton Incorporated

Nicolas DiLorenzo, UF-IFAS

De Broughton, 6GenAg Services

Matthew Sigstad, US Air Force

Kristen Traugh, Saoirse Farms

4:50-5:00 pm Announcements & Wrap-Up
6:00-8:00 pm Evening Social Location: Depot Park
April 27, 2022 MCs for the Day: Rick Bennett & Ramdeo Seepaul
Time (EST) Session Details
8:00-8:45 am Breakfast
8:45-8:50 am Welcome
8:50-9:30am South America Commercial Carinata Program: Updates & Insights Sebastian Bravo, Nuseed Argentina
9:30-10:40 am Technical Knowledge Exchange I Mechanisms & Quantifications of root growth

Daniel Miralles, U Buenos Aires

Carinata in the Pampas: resource efficiency from root to tip
Deborah Rondanini, U Buenos Aires

Carinata Crop improvement to generate greater value
Rick Bennett, Nuseed

Carinata Cropping Systems-A Holistic Economic Analysis
Marshall Lamb, USDA-ARS

10:40-11:00 am Technical Knowledge Exchange II Carinata Planting Dates: Finding the Best Fit
Bill Anderson, USDA-ARSWeed management in Carinata Cropping Systems
Ramon Leon, NC State UniversityDisease management in Carinata
Ian Small, UFNematode management in Carinata
Zane Grabau, UFNutrient management in Carinata Cropping Systems
Henry Sintim, UGAHarvest management in Carinata
Ramdeo Seepaul, UF
12:30-12:40 pm SPARC Awards; Wrap-up Sheeja George
12:40-1:30pm Lunch & Adjourn

SPARC Annual Meeting

Vth SPARC Annual Meeting-April 27-28, 2022 University of Florida, Hilton, Gainesville, FL

All Times are Eastern All sessions will take place in the Century Ballroom unless otherwise noted All meals and breaks will be served in the Hilton Pre-Conference Area Dinner will not be provided.

April 27, 2022 MC for the Meeting: Dylan Rigsby
Time (EST) Session
2:00-3:30 pm World Café-SPARC Reflection
3:30-4:00 pm Coffee Break (Poster Viewing & Networking)
4:00-5:00pm SPARC Student Lightning talks
5:30-5:45pm Student Awards
5:46-6:45pm Dinner
5:45-7:45pm Working Dinner & Closed Meeting (Azalea)
April 28, 2022
8:00-8:45am Breakfast
8:00-9:30am Working Breakfast & Closed Meeting (Azalea)
9:30-10:30 am Next steps for SPARC- (Breakout sessions in Hawthorne, Azalea, Hickory)
10:30-10:50 am Coffee Break
10:50 am-12:00 pm Next steps for SPARC-Plenary
12:00-12:15pm Looking Forward with Steve Csonka-CAAFI Executive Director & SPARC Advisory Chair
12:15-12:30 pm Wrap-Up
12:30pm Lunch & Adjourn

Carinata Biomaterials Summit

Biomaterials Summit April 26, 2022
Time (EST) Session Details
11:30 AM Lunch Hilton University of Florida Conference Center, Gainesville, FL
12:30 PM Welcome UF Administration

SPARC Executive Committee

12:50 PM Keynote
1:30 PM Cultivating Value with Carinata in Southeastern Cropping Systems Carinata’s low carbon biofuel,  ecosystem services, cover crop benefits, animal protein potential, and more
3:00 PM Ice Cream Social Hilton University of Florida Conference Center, Gainesville, FL
3:30 PM Opportunities with Carinata

• Within the Farmgate
• An End-user perspective

Brief presentations followed by moderated panel
5:00PM Adjourn
Evening Social
6:00 PM Depot Park
Biomaterials Summit April 27, 2022
Time (EST) Session Details
8:00 AM Breakfast Hilton University of Florida Conference Center, Gainesville, FL
8:45 AM South America Carinata Commercial Program: Insights and Updates Nuseed, Argentina
9:30 AM Technical Knowledge Exchange-Part I • Crop improvement
• Weed and disease management
• Rotation dynamics
• Nutrient management
• Other production perspectives
10:30 AM Break
11:30 AM Technical Knowledge Exchange-Part II • Crop improvement
• Weed and disease management
• Rotation dynamics
• Nutrient management
• Other production perspective
11:30 AM SPARC Awards
12:00 PM Lunch & Adjourn Hilton University of Florida Conference Center, Gainesville, FL
SPARC Annual Meeting (Closed to SPARC members & Advisory) April 26, 2022
Time (EST) Session Details
1:30-5:00PM Various general & breakout sessions Details to follow
5:00PM Close
SPARC Dinner
6:30 PM Hilton University of Florida Conference Center, Gainesville, FL
SPARC Annual Meeting April 28, 2022
Time (EST) Session Details
8:00 AM Breakfast Hilton University of Florida Conference Center, Gainesville, FL
8:45AM-12:30PM Various general & breakout sessions Details to follow
12:30 PM Lunch & Adjourn Hilton University of Florida Conference Center, Gainesville, FL

Things to do in Gainesville

April in Gainesville is a beautiful time. Located in North Central Florida, the city is surrounded by lush natural parks, natural springs, and impressive sinkholes. With an average high of 83F and an average low of 60F, the evenings are cool and breezy. Spring showers are not uncommon, with the end of April having an average precipitation of 21%, although the rain starts to ramp up going into the summer months. The historic downtown has a number of cuisines, bars, and outdoor lounges & coffee shops & roasters abound around town.

For those attendees who are looking to sightsee or visit some of the natural spaces, here is a short list of must sees.


Kanapaha Gardens

Devil’s Millhopper

Paynes Prairie 

Sweetwater Wetlands Park

Ichetucknee Springs State Park

Manatee Springs State Park


Florida Museum of Natural History

Butterfly Rainforest (walking distance from Hilton)

Harn Museum of Art (walking distance from Hilton)

Cade Museum

City Parks

Bo Diddley Plaza

4th Avenue Food Park

Midpoint Park & Eatery



Glenn Johnston



Sebastian Bravo

Nuseed, Argentina

Steve Csonka

Steve Csonka



De Broughton

6genAg Services

Nicolas DiLorenzo

Nicolas DiLorenzo

University of Florida


Rick Bennett



John Field


Ian Small

Ian Small

University of Florida

Ramdeo Seepaul

Ramdeo Seepaul

University of Florida


Bill Anderson



Chris Tindal



Deborah Rondanini

University of Buenos Aires


Dewey Lee

University of Georgia


Puneet Dwivedi

University of Georgia


Kater Hake

Cotton Incorporated


Daniel Miralles

University of Buenos Aires


Ramon Leon

NC State University


Ed Coppola

Applied Research Assoc


Zane Grabau

University of Florida


Matthew A. Sigstad

Air Force


Dr. Henry Sintim

University of Georgia


Stephane Hill Ward

NC State


Kristen Traugh

Saoirse Farms


Dr. Robert Gilbert

University of Florida


Dr. Andra Johnson

University of Florida

Planning Committee

Dylan Rigsby

Dylan Rigsby


Dan Geller


Wendy-Lin Bartels


Rick Bennett

Ian Small

Ian Small

Ramdeo Seepaul

Ramdeo Seepaul


Sheeja George